Happy Halloween

Here are some more creepy dolls for you all!



Pinterest Challenge

Ok, so I’m doing this out of my own curiosity, and possibly because I’m very much in love with the online pin board called Pinterest. If you haven’t discovered Pinterest yet, please do…its super addicting and super time wasting at work!!

Anyway, I’m very addicted to Pinterest and I’ve been pinning for about several months now. With so much inspiration and project ideas to work on, I have all these resources at my finger tips but at about month 4 or 5 I looked at my pin board, and realized that I have not worked on one single pin…at.all.  Well, that’s mostly my fault since I’ve been pinning stuff for my future home which will be great if I can get back into savings mode.

That is when I came across this graph from GraphJam:

Very Demotivational

Well, needless to say, I don’t even register into that red dot! And it brought up a good challenge for me. Pin projects that I know I can do and make for one whole month. And I’ve already started!! Now I just need to kick my lazy butt into gear and get cracking on some Pin-work.

What I plan on doing is working on some pins over the course of this month, some may need more days to work on than others, and I will try and give some helpful hints and tricks that made my life easier, but hopefully I can get some perspective on making goals and saving money as well.

Can’t wait to get started! If you want to follow and start this project as well! Lets get all on board!

Austin Trip

In Austin the fiance and I decided to go to lunch at a place that was suggested to us by my sister whose a giant fan of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. Here’s a snapshot of our lunch at The Green Mesquite:



I got the pulled pork sand which. It was yummy! What I liked about this place was the atmosphere. You have a choice of sitting inside or outside, we sat outside where it was less crowded but there were more dogs (which I didn’t mind). The outside atmosphere was wonderful:




This place had great food, but I’ve eaten better from the suggestion box that is DD&D.  Aside from that, I would probably sit next to the register next time…just for the novelty that you can eat next to the register.

Austin Trip

So, the boyfriend and I made it to Austin, and stayed at the lovely AT&T Hotel and Conference Center (Thanks Expedia) right in the middle of The University Texas. What makes the view so awesome though was that we are down the street from this tower:


For those who don’t know, this is the tower where on August 1st, 1966, Charles Whitman let out a barrage of of bullets from the observation deck onto unsuspecting students, faculty, visitors and police. In total, 16 were killed and 32 were injured. Whitman was killed by two officers and a civilian.

We wandered that night out to the field in front of the tower to pay our respects for those who died. I’ve read about Whitman before, but to see the magnitude and scale of the tower left me in awe. It was quite a scary scene honestly to think back when this happened, to hear gun shots but not know where they’re coming from.

There’s more to come!

Trip to Austin

The boyfriend and I are headed to Austin and we stopped by here:

And saw this:

Magic Hour filters were used

Trip to Austin

The boyfriend and I are headed to Austin and we stopped by here:

And saw this:

Magic Hour filters were used

Photography Wednesday


Its amazing what treats and the command “freeze” does to a ferret who can’t sit still long enough for a picture.

Photography Wednesday


Another photo experiment: Instagram and The Magic Hour

Photography Wednesday


Sent from my phone happy Thursday.

Photography Wednesday – 7


This was taken at Comicpalooza here in Houston. It was part of a scavenger hunt that was hosted by a vendor. I took this photo as a promo for the Vendor Geek Life. Check them out!

P.S. It’ll be a bit skimpy on content for the next few weeks as I assimilate into my new job as a Business Assistant.